Devoted to a world without inherited cancer


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What You Can Learn from 7 Theme Fusion Success Stories

Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu. Nulla sit amet maximus nulla. Pellentesque a accumsan eros, ac molestie nulla. Morbi interdum in neque vitae vulputate.


April 27th, 2023|Comments Off on Olivia

Olívia Naves, 22 years old, she never had cancer, from São Paulo, Brazil Hello! My name is Olívia Naves and


April 26th, 2023|Comments Off on Ana

Ana Caroline, 37 years old, from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Never had cancer. When I was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni, I was


April 26th, 2023|Comments Off on Lakita

Lakita was born healthy with no medical issues in 2006 and loved dancing and art. At the age of 10


June 3rd, 2024|0 Comments

I discovered Li-Fraumeni syndrome in 2017, after breast cancer at the age of 20. The oncologist requested genetic testing, and I was fortunate

2704, 2023


April 27th, 2023|Comments Off on Jamie

Long before we had ever heard of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, cancer was cutting a swath of destruction across the

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