Devoted to a world without inherited cancer

LFS News

LFS News2024-06-18T17:02:12-04:00

Update on Cancer Screening Recommendations for Individuals with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome

Just published by American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the updated version of the “Toronto Protocol,” the widely recognized screening recommendations for Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients, worldwide.  Lead by

Radiotherapy results in decreased time to second cancer in children with Li Fraumeni syndrome

UK researchers conducted a retrospective case-series study of four children diagnosed with solid cancers at age 16 or younger, aiming to assess the time to and survival following a second

Clustering of TP53 variants into functional classes correlates with cancer risk and identifies different phenotypes of Li-Fraumeni syndrome

High resolution clustering of TP53 variants into functional classes  correlates with cancer risk among germline variant  carriers and identifies different phenotypes of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Emilie Montellier, PhD (1), Nathanaël

Hot off the press!!! Genotype–phenotype associations within the Li-Fraumeni spectrum: a report from the German Registry.

In 2017, not only did Dr. Christian Kratz launch our international chapter, LFSA – Germany, but he also founded the German Cancer Predisposition Syndrome Registry based at Hannover Medical

Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association Lauds Advancements in Classifying Hereditary Cancer Risks

HOLLISTON, MA -- The Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association (LFSA), dedicated to furthering research and worldwide awareness of the inherited cancer predisposition disorder, celebrates new findings published in the renowned JAMA

Genetic Counselor Recommendations for Cancer Predisposition Evaluation and Surveillance in the Pediatric Oncology Patient

Published by AACR in 2017, this publication was written by some of the invaluable members of LFSA's Genetic Counseling Advisory Group.   In this article, the authors present a genetic

Li-Fraumeni syndrome: report of a clinical research workshop and creation of a research consortium (and the LFS Association)

On November 2, 2010, the National Cancer Institute convened a workshop at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, bringing together clinicians and scientists, as well as individuals from

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