Devoted to a world without inherited cancer

Press Release

Update on Cancer Screening Recommendations for Individuals with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome

Just published by American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the updated version of the “Toronto Protocol,” the widely recognized screening recommendations for Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients, worldwide.  Lead by Dr. David Malkin (LFSA Medical & Scientific Board Member and Co-chair of LFSA – Canada), this new perspective provides an up-to-date clinical overview of LFS

Li-Fraumeni syndrome: predicting cancer risk more precisely

The two MHH researchers Lucas John Müntnich and Professor Christian Kratz refer to the cluster analysis of the study, according to which cancer-free survival depends on the classification of the underlying variant. Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH. (With permission.) A new form of cluster analysis enables the development of personalized cancer screening tests.  As presented

Clustering of TP53 variants into functional classes correlates with cancer risk and identifies different phenotypes of Li-Fraumeni syndrome

High resolution clustering of TP53 variants into functional classes  correlates with cancer risk among germline variant  carriers and identifies different phenotypes of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Emilie Montellier, PhD (1), Nathanaël Lemonnier, PhD (1), Judith Penkert, MD (2), Claire Freycon, MD (1,3,4), Sandrine Blanchet, MSc (1), Amina Amadou, PhD (1,5), Florent Chuffart, PhD (1), Nicholas Fischer,

Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association Lauds Advancements in Classifying Hereditary Cancer Risks

HOLLISTON, MA -- The Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association (LFSA), dedicated to furthering research and worldwide awareness of the inherited cancer predisposition disorder, celebrates new findings published in the renowned JAMA Oncology journal with implications to better predict cancer risk. First presented at LFSA's 5th International Symposium last year, the concept of analyzing tumor patterns and

By |2024-07-11T15:16:55-04:00October 28th, 2021|LFS News, Press Release|0 Comments
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